Toxic people, have a negative impact of your mental wellbeing. They can be colleagues, family members or supposed friends. Learn how to set...
Being a confident public speaker.
Speaking in public is something that many people fear. However, lots of people do it very successfully. Learn what is at the root of your fear and...
Having difficult conversations about suicide
Discussing suicide is something that many people avoid doing for fear of drastic consequences if they get it wrong. However, we know that discussing...
Managing Stress around heavy workloads
Stress can be incredibly destructive. Heavy workloads and not enough time impact our mental and physical health. This resource uses evidence based...
Supporting a distressed employee/colleague
It can be difficult to know how best to support a colleague who is distressed. We are programmed to try and cheer them up or fix their problems,...
Managing Imposter Syndrome
If you regularly think that you’re a fraud, someone is going to find out that you aren’t capable, or that what you do must be easy as you can do it,...
Positively managing criticism
No this doesn’t mean "yay I’ve been criticised!" This means learning to review criticism and either acknowledge it, or reject it, AND make sure it...
What is your “Vagus Nerve” and why is it so important to mental wellbeing?
Your vagus nerve is instrumental in helping your body and mind relax and heal. Learn where it is, how it works, and how you can stimulate it to...
Finding your identity/purpose
As well as staying physiologically healthy, we also need to stay psychologically healthy too. One of the keys for good mental wellbeing is having a...
Setting boundaries with ‘Toxic’ people
Toxic people, have a negative impact of your mental wellbeing. They can be colleagues, family members or supposed...
Being a confident public speaker.
Speaking in public is something that many people fear. However, lots of people do it very successfully. Learn what is...
Having difficult conversations about suicide
Discussing suicide is something that many people avoid doing for fear of drastic consequences if they get it wrong....