"Hi Sam I have struggled with anxiety and depression most of my life since the age of 12 I think it was triggered from my parents splitting up. I...
Ask Sam
I’m really struggling in my marriage at the moment and I don’t know what to do.
"I’m really struggling in my marriage at the moment and I don’t know what to do. My partner isn’t interested in our marriage, she out all the time...
I feel really wronged by my husband and am struggling to move on from it…
"A few years ago my husband did something that I thought was unfair and disrespectful to me. He doesn’t see it that way and thinks I am overreacting...
I’m so angry at being wronged and the other person has had no consequences. What can I do?
"I'm so angry at being wronged and the other person has had no consequences. What can I do?" I felt your anger as I was reading this, and to be...
I have someone close to me who isn’t happy, but won’t do anything to change it
"I have someone close to me who isn't happy in their life but just won't do anything to change it. Every time I see them they moan about the same...
A friend of mine is always moaning she feels fat.
"I have a friend who continually complains about how fat she is and how bad she eats. She makes a big deal of having a bloated stomach and...
I really want to do stuff for me, but I never get the time.
"I know that you say we should prioritise doing things for our mental health but I just really struggle with finding the time. There is always...
How do you manage to have a work life balance and not just spend your time feeling guilty?
"How do you manage to have a work life balance and not just spend your time feeling guilty, either guilty about working when you should be spending...
I feel so angry about everything! Why?
"I feel so angry about everything! Why?" There could be many reasons why you feel angry about everything. Are you in pain, are you struggling in...
I’m struggling with depression and off work
"Hi Sam I have struggled with anxiety and depression most of my life since the age of 12 I think it was triggered from...
I’m really struggling in my marriage at the moment and I don’t know what to do.
"I’m really struggling in my marriage at the moment and I don’t know what to do. My partner isn’t interested in our...
I feel really wronged by my husband and am struggling to move on from it…
"A few years ago my husband did something that I thought was unfair and disrespectful to me. He doesn’t see it that...